

The new Mondolfo Ferro TRIGON Novo 3D wheel aligner with 2 camera reading system is fast, precise reliable. The software is intuitive, user friendly for precise and quick alignment measurements.
0.01° data display
10” to 22” sensor holder, 26” with standard adaptor
Intuitive two key operation
User friendly software with easy access tutor help
Easy access to all adjustment values
Automatic steering measurements directly from the targets
Chassis measurement data
Factory calibrated, calibration on installation only, no need for maintance calibration
User databank for insert or modification vehicle data
Job operation customer data bank, to recall and memorize all customer data.
Wall mounting kit for clamp and target storage
Lift Drive-on Assistant by remote camera (optional)
Practical side trolley for clamp and target holder (optional)
Camera movement to work from ground floor to 2.0 meters(optional)
